FPE (Format Preserving Encryption) in Case of Short Message: Minimum Characters Problem
Image by Lewes - hkhazo.biz.id

FPE (Format Preserving Encryption) in Case of Short Message: Minimum Characters Problem

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When it comes to encrypting sensitive information, Format Preserving Encryption (FPE) is a popular choice. However, when dealing with short messages, a common problem arises – the minimum characters problem. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of FPE and explore the challenges posed by short messages, as well as provide clear instructions and explanations on how to overcome them.

What is Format Preserving Encryption (FPE)?

Format Preserving Encryption (FPE) is a type of encryption that preserves the format of the plaintext data. This means that the ciphertext (encrypted data) has the same format and length as the original plaintext data. FPE is commonly used in industries where data needs to be encrypted, but the format must remain unchanged, such as in credit card numbers, phone numbers, and VIN numbers.

How does FPE work?

FPE uses a combination of substitution and permutation techniques to encrypt the data. The process involves breaking down the plaintext data into smaller blocks, encrypting each block using a substitution cipher, and then permuting the blocks to create the ciphertext. This ensures that the ciphertext maintains the same format as the plaintext data.

 Plaintext:  1234-5678-9012-3456
 FPE Cipher: 2345-6789-0123-4567
 Ciphertext: 2345-6789-0123-4567

The Minimum Characters Problem in FPE

One of the most significant challenges in FPE is dealing with short messages. When encrypting short messages, the minimum characters problem arises. This occurs when the plaintext data is too short, making it difficult to encrypt using traditional FPE methods. The problem becomes even more pronounced when dealing with fixed-length plaintext data, such as credit card numbers.

Why is the minimum characters problem a challenge?

The minimum characters problem is a challenge because traditional FPE methods require a minimum number of characters to work efficiently. If the plaintext data is too short, it may not be possible to encrypt it using FPE, or the encryption process may become inefficient. This can lead to reduced security, increased processing times, or even failed encryption attempts.

Solutions to the Minimum Characters Problem in FPE

Fortunately, there are several solutions to the minimum characters problem in FPE. Here are some of the most effective methods:

1. Padding

One of the simplest solutions to the minimum characters problem is to pad the plaintext data with additional characters. This can be done using a padding scheme, such as PKCS#7 or ANSI X.923. Padding ensures that the plaintext data meets the minimum character requirement, making it possible to encrypt it using FPE.

Padding Scheme Description
PKCS#7 Pads data with octets containing the number of padding octets
ANSI X.923 Pads data with a sequence of octets, each containing the number of padding octets

2. Fixed-Length Encryption

Fixed-length encryption involves dividing the plaintext data into fixed-length blocks, regardless of the original length of the data. This ensures that each block meets the minimum character requirement, making it possible to encrypt it using FPE.

 Plaintext:  1234
 Fixed-Length Encryption: 12340000
 FPE Cipher: 23450000
 Ciphertext: 23450000

3. Variable-Length Encryption

Variable-length encryption involves dividing the plaintext data into variable-length blocks, based on the original length of the data. This approach is more efficient than fixed-length encryption, as it reduces the overhead of padding.

 Plaintext:  1234
 Variable-Length Encryption: 1234
 FPE Cipher: 2345
 Ciphertext: 2345

4. Hybrid Approach

A hybrid approach involves combining multiple encryption methods to overcome the minimum characters problem. For example, using a combination of padding and fixed-length encryption can provide an efficient and secure solution.

 Plaintext:  1234
 Padding: 1234xxxx
 Fixed-Length Encryption: 1234xxxx
 FPE Cipher: 2345xxxx
 Ciphertext: 2345xxxx

Best Practices for Implementing FPE in Short Messages

When implementing FPE in short messages, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure security and efficiency. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

  1. Choose the right padding scheme: Select a padding scheme that suits your specific use case, and ensure it is correctly implemented.
  2. Optimize block size: Choose an optimal block size that balances security and processing time.
  3. Use a secure FPE algorithm: Select a widely recognized and secure FPE algorithm, such as FF1 or Bouncy Castle.
  4. Implement key management: Ensure secure key management practices, including key generation, distribution, and revocation.
  5. Test and validate: Thoroughly test and validate your FPE implementation to ensure it meets security and performance requirements.


In conclusion, the minimum characters problem is a common challenge in FPE, especially when dealing with short messages. However, by understanding the problem and implementing solutions such as padding, fixed-length encryption, variable-length encryption, and hybrid approaches, you can overcome this challenge and ensure secure and efficient encryption of sensitive information. Remember to follow best practices and guidelines to ensure the security and integrity of your data.

Remember, security is not a one-time task, it's an ongoing process. Stay vigilant and stay secure!


  • NIST Special Publication 800-38G: Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation
  • FF1 Format-Preserving Encryption Algorithm
  • Bouncy Castle Cryptographic Library

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on FPE (Format Preserving Encryption) for short messages and overcome the minimum characters problem!

What is Format Preserving Encryption (FPE) and how does it help with short messages?

FPE is a method of encrypting data in a way that preserves its original format, making it ideal for short messages with limited character counts. It ensures that the encrypted data has the same format and length as the original plaintext, preventing data corruption or truncation.

Why is FPE necessary for short messages, and what happens if I don’t use it?

Without FPE, encrypted short messages may exceed the character limit, get truncated, or become garbled, leading to data loss or errors. FPE ensures that the encrypted data fits within the allowed character count, maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of the message.

How does FPE handle the minimum characters problem in short messages?

FPE uses advanced cryptographic techniques, such as ciphertext stealing and padding schemes, to ensure that the encrypted data meets the minimum character requirements. This allows FPE to efficiently encrypt short messages while maintaining their original format and length.

Are there any specific encryption algorithms or standards used in FPE for short messages?

Yes, FPE for short messages often employs algorithms like FF1, FF3, and BPS, which are designed to preserve the format and length of the original data. These algorithms are standardized by organizations like NIST and ANSI, ensuring interoperability and security across different systems.

Can I use FPE for short messages in my existing system, or do I need to integrate new solutions?

FPE can be integrated into existing systems with minimal modifications. Many encryption libraries and tools support FPE, making it easy to implement and use. You can also consult with cryptography experts or solution providers to help integrate FPE into your specific use case.