<Missing> Values in Cell Arrays Created from Matlab readcell(): The Ultimate Guide
Image by Lewes - hkhazo.biz.id

<Missing> Values in Cell Arrays Created from Matlab readcell(): The Ultimate Guide

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Working with cell arrays in Matlab can be a breeze, but what happens when you encounter the dreaded “<Missing>” values? Don’t let these pesky placeholders ruin your day! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of cell arrays created from Matlab’s readcell() function and explore the mysteries of “<Missing>” values. Buckle up, folks, and get ready to master the art of error-free data analysis!

What are Cell Arrays?

Cell arrays are Matlab’s way of storing and manipulating data in a flexible, matrix-like structure. They’re essentially arrays of containers, each holding a single value or a collection of values. When you use readcell() to import data from a CSV or Excel file, Matlab creates a cell array to store the information. Sounds simple, right?

The Problem: <Missing> Values

But what happens when your data contains empty cells, NaN (Not a Number) values, or other “unknowable” data? Matlab’s default behavior is to replace these missing values with the “<Missing>” placeholder. This can lead to headaches when trying to perform calculations, statistical analysis, or even simple data cleaning. So, how do we deal with these pesky values?

Why Do <Missing> Values Occur?

There are several reasons why “<Missing>” values might appear in your cell array:

  • Empty cells in your original data file

  • NaN values or infinite numbers

  • Non-numeric data in numeric columns

  • Data type mismatch between the file and Matlab’s default import settings

How to Identify <Missing> Values

To tackle the issue, you first need to identify where the “<Missing>” values are hiding. Here’s a simple trick:

% Load your data using readcell()
data = readcell('your_file.csv');

% Find the indices of <Missing> values
missing_indices = find(cellfun(@(x) strcmp(x, '<Missing>'), data));

The cellfun() function applies the anonymous function @(x) strcmp(x, '<Missing>') to each element of the cell array, checking if it’s equal to “<Missing>”. The resulting logical array is then passed to find(), which returns the indices of the “<Missing>” values.

Methods for Handling <Missing> Values

Now that you’ve identified the problematic cells, it’s time to decide how to handle them. Here are some approaches:

1. Remove Rows with <Missing> Values

The simplest way to deal with “<Missing>” values is to remove entire rows that contain them. This is useful when the data is relatively clean, and you don’t want to bias your analysis with potentially incorrect values.

dataSansMissing = data(setdiff(1:size(data, 1), missing_indices), :);

This code uses setdiff() to find the indices of rows that don’t contain “<Missing>” values, and then subsets the original data using these indices.

2. Replace <Missing> Values with a Specific Value

Sometimes, you might want to replace “<Missing>” values with a specific value, like 0, NaN, or a custom placeholder. This approach is useful when you need to perform calculations or statistical analysis that can tolerate some degree of uncertainty.

dataReplaced = data;
dataReplaced(missing_indices) = {0}; % Replace with 0, for example

In this example, we’re replacing “<Missing>” values with 0, but you can use any value that suits your needs.

3. Impute <Missing> Values Using Statistical Methods

For more advanced data analysis, you might want to impute “<Missing>” values using statistical methods. Matlab provides several functions for imputation, such as mean(), median(), or mode().

dataImputed = data;
for i = 1:size(data, 2)
    col = data(:, i);
    missing_idx = find(cellfun(@(x) strcmp(x, '<Missing>'), col));
    col(missing_idx) = {mean([col{~cellfun(@(x) strcmp(x, '<Missing>'), col)}])};
    dataImputed(:, i) = col;

In this example, we’re imputing “<Missing>” values with the mean of the respective column. You can adapt this approach to use other imputation methods or functions.

Best Practices for Avoiding <Missing> Values

To minimize the likelihood of encountering “<Missing>” values, follow these best practices:

  1. Check your data files for empty cells or inconsistent formatting before importing them into Matlab.

  2. Use the correct data type for each column when importing data using readcell().

  3. Avoid importing data with mixed data types (e.g., numeric and text) in the same column.

  4. Regularly inspect your data for errors or inconsistencies after importing.


In conclusion, “<Missing>” values in cell arrays created from Matlab’s readcell() function can be a nuisance, but with the right strategies, you can overcome them. By understanding why these values occur, identifying them, and applying the methods outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of error-free data analysis. Remember to follow best practices for avoiding “<Missing>” values in the first place, and you’ll be ready to tackle even the most complex data challenges!

Method Use Case Code Snippet
Remove Rows with <Missing> Values When data is relatively clean and you don’t want to bias analysis dataSansMissing = data(setdiff(1:size(data, 1), missing_indices), :);
Replace <Missing> Values with a Specific Value When you need to perform calculations or statistical analysis dataReplaced(missing_indices) = {0};
Impute <Missing> Values Using Statistical Methods For advanced data analysis and imputation col(missing_idx) = {mean([col{~cellfun(@(x) strcmp(x, '<Missing>'), col)}])};

Now, go forth and conquer the world of cell arrays and “<Missing>” values!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on missing values in cell arrays created from Matlab readcell()!

What are these mysterious “” values in my cell array?

These “” values are a result of Matlab’s readcell() function, which imports data from text or CSV files into a cell array. When readcell() encounters an empty or blank cell in the file, it replaces it with a “” value in the resulting cell array.

Why does Matlab use “” instead of blanks or NaNs?

Matlab uses “” to distinguish between intentional blank cells and missing data. This allows for more flexibility when working with the data, as you can easily identify and handle missing values separately from blank cells.

How can I replace “” values with something else?

You can use the replacemissing() function to replace “” values with a specific value, such as NaN or an empty string. For example, replacemissing(T, '') would replace all “” values in the cell array T with an empty string.

Can I prevent “” values from being created in the first place?

Yes, you can! When using readcell(), you can specify the ‘EmptyValues’ parameter to control how empty cells are handled. For example, readcell('data.csv', 'EmptyValues', '') would replace empty cells with an empty string instead of “” values.

Are “” values unique to Matlab, or do other programming languages use something similar?

While the specific term “” might be unique to Matlab, the concept of representing missing values is not. Many programming languages, such as R and Python, use similar approaches to handle missing data, such as NA, NaN, or None values.