Aws: Authorizer Name Must Be Unique – A Comprehensive Guide to Resolving the Error
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Aws: Authorizer Name Must Be Unique – A Comprehensive Guide to Resolving the Error

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating “Authorizer name must be unique” error in AWS? You’re not alone! This error can be a major roadblock for developers and engineers working with AWS API Gateway. Luckily, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of AWS Authorizers, explore the causes of this error, and provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to resolve it once and for all.

What is an AWS Authorizer?

Before we dive into the error, let’s quickly recap what an AWS Authorizer is. An Authorizer is a security feature in AWS API Gateway that enables you to control access to your API. It’s essentially a Lambda function that verifies the authenticity of incoming requests. Think of it as a bouncer at a nightclub, checking IDs and ensuring only authorized folks get in.

Why Do I Need a Unique Authorizer Name?

AWS requires Authorizer names to be unique within a region because it uses the name as an identifier. This ensures that each Authorizer has a distinct identity, making it easier to manage and maintain. Think of it like a unique username – it helps distinguish one Authorizer from another.

Causes of the “Authorizer Name Must Be Unique” Error

So, why do you get this error in the first place? There are a few common culprits:

  • Duplicate Authorizer names**: This is the most obvious reason. If you try to create an Authorizer with a name that’s already in use, AWS will throw this error.
  • Case sensitivity**: AWS treats Authorizer names as case-sensitive. For example, “MyAuthorizer” and “myauthorizer” are considered different names. Make sure you’re consistent with your naming conventions.
  • Whitespaces and special characters**: Avoid using whitespaces or special characters in your Authorizer name. These can cause issues and lead to the error.

How to Resolve the “Authorizer Name Must Be Unique” Error

Now that we’ve covered the causes, let’s get to the good stuff – fixing the error! Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Identify the Duplicate Authorizer

Log in to your AWS Management Console and navigate to the API Gateway dashboard. Click on the “Authorizers” tab and search for the Authorizer with the duplicate name. You can filter by name, ID, or description to find it quickly.

Step 2: Delete the Duplicate Authorizer

Select the duplicate Authorizer and click on the “Actions” dropdown menu. Choose “Delete” and confirm that you want to delete the Authorizer. This will remove the duplicate and allow you to create a new one with a unique name.

Step 3: Create a New Authorizer with a Unique Name

Click on the “Create Authorizer” button and enter a new, unique name for your Authorizer. Make sure to follow the naming conventions and avoid using whitespaces or special characters.

Note: If you're using AWS CLI, you can create a new Authorizer with a unique name using the following command:

aws apigateway create-authorizer --name "MyNewAuthorizer" --rest-api-id "your-rest-api-id" --auth-type "CUSTOM"

Step 4: Update Your API with the New Authorizer

Once you’ve created the new Authorizer, you need to update your API to use it. Go to the “Resources” tab and select the API resource that uses the Authorizer. Click on the “Actions” dropdown menu and choose “Update Resource”. Update the Authorizer reference to point to the new one.

Best Practices for Avoiding the “Authorizer Name Must Be Unique” Error

To avoid this error in the future, follow these best practices:

  1. Use a consistent naming convention**: Establish a clear and consistent naming convention for your Authorizers. This will help you avoid duplicates and make it easier to manage your resources.
  2. Keep track of your Authorizers**: Maintain a list or inventory of your Authorizers to ensure you don’t create duplicates.
  3. Use AWS CLI or SDKs**: Utilize AWS CLI or SDKs to automate the creation and management of your Authorizers. These tools can help you avoid human error and ensure uniqueness.


The “Authorizer name must be unique” error is a common pitfall in AWS API Gateway, but it’s easily avoidable with the right strategies and precautions. By understanding the causes of the error and following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to creating unique and effective Authorizers for your API.

Authorizer Name Unique?
MyAuthorizer Yes
myauthorizer No (case sensitivity)
My Authorizer No (whitespace)
My!Authorizer No (special character)

Remember, a unique Authorizer name is key to a successful API Gateway setup. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to avoid the “Authorizer name must be unique” error and create a robust, secure API that meets your business needs.

Additional Resources

For more information on AWS API Gateway and Authorizers, check out the following resources:

Frequently Asked Question

AWS authorizer name conundrum got you stumped? Fear not, friend! We’ve got the lowdown on why that pesky “Authorizer name must be unique” error keeps popping up.

Why does AWS insist that authorizer names be unique?

AWS requires unique authorizer names to avoid confusion and ensure that each authorizer is properly identified and utilized. Think of it like naming your kids – you wouldn’t want two with the same name, right? It’s the same idea here!

What happens if I try to create an authorizer with a duplicate name?

If you attempt to create an authorizer with a name that’s already in use, AWS will throw an “Authorizer name must be unique” error. Don’t worry, it’s an easy fix – just rename the authorizer and try again!

Can I use the same authorizer name across different AWS accounts?

The short answer is yes, you can use the same authorizer name across different AWS accounts. However, within a single account, the name must still be unique. So go ahead and reuse those names across accounts, but keep them distinct within each one!

How do I find out if an authorizer name is already in use?

Easy peasy! You can use the AWS CLI command `aws apiGateway get-authorizers` to list all existing authorizers and their names. Alternatively, you can check the AWS Management Console or your favorite AWS SDK. Just take a peek and you’ll know if the name is available or not!

What’s the best practice for naming authorizers in AWS?

For maximum clarity and organization, consider using a consistent naming convention for your authorizers. This might include the service name, environment, or other relevant details. Be creative, but keep it concise and meaningful – and always, always make sure it’s unique!

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