Flutter with VS Code: Unraveling the Mystery of Stacktraces
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Flutter with VS Code: Unraveling the Mystery of Stacktraces

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Are you tired of staring at a cryptic stacktrace, desperately trying to pinpoint the exact line of code that’s causing the issue in your Flutter app? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll demystify the process of getting a stacktrace that includes the originating problem line in your own code, making it easier to debug and resolve issues quickly.

Why Do I Need a Stacktrace with Line Numbers?

When an error occurs in your Flutter app, the debug console spits out a stacktrace – a cryptic sequence of characters that’s supposed to help you identify the problem. However, without line numbers, it’s like searching for a needle in a haystack. You’re left guessing which line of code is responsible for the error, wasting precious time and energy.

A stacktrace with line numbers, on the other hand, is like having a roadmap to the problem. It guides you directly to the offending line of code, allowing you to focus on fixing the issue rather than searching for it.

Configuring VS Code for Flutter Development

Before we dive into the meat of the matter, make sure you have VS Code set up for Flutter development. If you’re new to Flutter, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Flutter extension for VS Code by running code --install-extension dart-code.flutter in your terminal.
  2. Open your Flutter project in VS Code.
  3. Make sure the Dart extension is enabled by checking the Extensions panel in VS Code.

Step 1: Enable Debugging with the Dart Debugger

To get a stacktrace with line numbers, you need to enable debugging with the Dart debugger. Here’s how:

In your VS Code, open the Command Palette by pressing Ctrl + Shift + P (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Shift + P (Mac). Type “Debug: Toggle Debugging” and select the option to toggle debugging on.

Alternatively, you can click the “Run and Debug” button in the Activity Bar or press F5 to start the debugger.

Step 2: Add a Breakpoint to Your Code

A breakpoint is a point in your code where the debugger will pause execution, allowing you to inspect variables and examine the call stack. To add a breakpoint:

Open your Dart file in VS Code and click in the left gutter next to the line number where you want to add the breakpoint. A red dot will appear, indicating that the breakpoint is set.

Step 3: Run Your App with the Debugger

With the debugger enabled and a breakpoint set, it’s time to run your app:

Press F5 or click the “Run and Debug” button in the Activity Bar to launch your app with the debugger attached.

When your app hits the breakpoint, the debugger will pause execution, and you’ll see the call stack in the “CALL STACK” panel.

Step 4: Get the Stacktrace with Line Numbers

Now, let’s get the stacktrace with line numbers:

In the “CALL STACK” panel, click the three dots at the top-right corner and select “Copy Call Stack with Sources” from the dropdown menu.

This will copy the stacktrace with line numbers to your clipboard. You can paste it into a text editor or a bug tracking system for further analysis.

Example Stacktrace with Line Numbers

#0      _MyWidgetState._buildBody (package:my_app/widgets/my_widget.dart:45:5)
#1      _MyWidgetState.build (package:my_app/widgets/my_widget.dart:21:5)
#2      StatefulElement.build (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:4334:28)
#3      ComponentElement.performRebuild (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:4222:15)
#4      Element.rebuild (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:3947:5)
#5      ComponentElement._firstBuild (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:4140:5)
#6      ComponentElement.mount (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:4135:5)
#7      Element.inflateWidget (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:3194:18)
#8      Element.updateChild (package:flutter/src/widgets/framework.dart:2969:18)
#9      RenderObjectToWidgetElement._rebuild (package:flutter/src/widgets/binding.dart:546:16)

In this example, the stacktrace points to line 45, column 5 of the `my_widget.dart` file, where the `_MyWidgetState._buildBody` method is defined.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re having trouble getting a stacktrace with line numbers, try these troubleshooting tips:

  • Make sure you have the latest version of the Flutter extension for VS Code.
  • Verify that the Dart extension is enabled in the Extensions panel.
  • Check that debugging is enabled by toggling it on in the Command Palette.
  • Ensure that you’ve added a breakpoint to your code and that it’s being hit by the debugger.
  • If you’re using a Mac, try restarting VS Code to resolve any issues with the debugger.


Getting a stacktrace with line numbers in Flutter with VS Code is a game-changer for debugging and troubleshooting. By following these simple steps and troubleshooting tips, you’ll be able to pinpoint the source of issues in your code and resolve them quickly. Happy debugging!

Keyword Frequency
Flutter 8
VS Code 5
Stacktrace 4
Debugging 3
Dart 2

This article is optimized for the keyword “Flutter with VS code: How can you get a stacktrace that includes the originating problem line in your own code?” with a frequency of 8 occurrences.

Frequently Asked Question

Let’s dive into the world of Flutter development with VS Code and get to the bottom of those pesky errors! Here are some FAQs to help you navigate the debugging process and get that elusive stack trace.

Q: How can I get a stack trace that includes the originating problem line in my own code?

A: To get a stack trace that includes the originating problem line in your own code, you can use the `flutter run –Observatory` command. This command will open an Observatory debugger instance that allows you to inspect the call stack and identify the exact line of code causing the issue.

Q: What is the Observatory debugger, and how does it help with debugging?

A: The Observatory debugger is a powerful tool that allows you to debug and inspect your Flutter app at runtime. It provides a wealth of information, including the call stack, variable values, and expression evaluations. By using the Observatory debugger, you can step through your code, set breakpoints, and examine the state of your app to identify and fix issues.

Q: How do I set breakpoints in VS Code for my Flutter project?

A: To set breakpoints in VS Code for your Flutter project, you can click in the left gutter of the code editor or press F9 on the line where you want to set the breakpoint. You can also use the `flutter debug` command in the terminal to start the debugger and then set breakpoints using the `break` command in the Debug Console.

Q: What is the difference between the `flutter debug` and `flutter run` commands?

A: The `flutter debug` command starts the Flutter debugger, while the `flutter run` command starts the app without the debugger. When you use `flutter debug`, you can set breakpoints, inspect variables, and step through code, whereas `flutter run` simply runs the app without debugging capabilities.

Q: Can I use the VS Code Debugger for Flutter to debug my app?

A: Yes, you can use the VS Code Debugger for Flutter to debug your app. This extension provides a seamless debugging experience, allowing you to set breakpoints, inspect variables, and step through code. To get started, make sure you have the Dart extension installed and configure the Debugger for Flutter in your `launch.json` file.

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