Why am I getting 404 NOT FOUND when using Zuul?
Image by Lewes - hkhazo.biz.id

Why am I getting 404 NOT FOUND when using Zuul?

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Zuul, the popular open-source edge service developed by Netflix, is designed to handle various aspects of incoming HTTP requests, including routing, authentication, and rate limiting. However, even with its impressive feature set, Zuul can sometimes throw a 404 NOT FOUND error, leaving developers scratching their heads. In this article, we’ll delve into the possible reasons behind this error and provide step-by-step solutions to get your Zuul setup up and running smoothly.

Understanding the 404 NOT FOUND Error

The 404 NOT FOUND error is an HTTP status code that indicates the requested resource could not be found on the server. When using Zuul, this error can occur due to various reasons, including:

  • Incorrect routing configuration
  • Misconfigured API endpoints
  • Missing or misconfigured rate limiting rules
  • Authentication and authorization issues
  • Issues with the underlying infrastructure

Common Causes of 404 NOT FOUND in Zuul

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s explore some common causes of the 404 NOT FOUND error in Zuul:

Incorrect Routing Configuration

Zuul uses a routing mechanism to direct incoming requests to the appropriate backend service. If the routing configuration is incorrect, Zuul may not be able to find the requested resource, resulting in a 404 NOT FOUND error.

      path: /users/**
      url: https://example.com/users

In the above example, if the `users` route is not configured correctly, Zuul may not be able to route the request to the correct backend service, leading to a 404 NOT FOUND error.

Misconfigured API Endpoints

Zuul uses API endpoints to communicate with backend services. If the API endpoints are misconfigured, Zuul may not be able to reach the requested resource, resulting in a 404 NOT FOUND error.

      path: /users/**
      url: https://example.com/users
      stripPrefix: false

In the above example, if the `stripPrefix` property is set to `false`, Zuul may not be able to strip the prefix from the request URL, leading to a 404 NOT FOUND error.

Missing or Misconfigured Rate Limiting Rules

Zuul provides rate limiting features to prevent abuse and denial-of-service attacks. If the rate limiting rules are missing or misconfigured, Zuul may not be able to process the request, resulting in a 404 NOT FOUND error.

      path: /users/**
      url: https://example.com/users
        enabled: true
        limit: 100
        window: 10s

In the above example, if the rate limiting rules are not configured correctly, Zuul may not be able to process the request, leading to a 404 NOT FOUND error.

Resolving the 404 NOT FOUND Error in Zuul

Now that we’ve covered the common causes of the 404 NOT FOUND error in Zuul, let’s explore some step-by-step solutions to resolve the issue:

Verify Routing Configuration

Check your Zuul routing configuration to ensure it is correct and correctly routing requests to the appropriate backend service.

  1. Check the Zuul configuration file (e.g., `application.properties` or `application.yml`) for any typos or errors.
  2. Verify that the routing configuration is correctly pointing to the backend service.
  3. Use the Zuul debug logs to verify that the routing configuration is being applied correctly.

Verify API Endpoints

Check your API endpoints to ensure they are correctly configured and reachable.

  1. Verify that the API endpoint is correctly configured in the Zuul configuration file.
  2. Check that the API endpoint is reachable and responding correctly.
  3. Use tools like `curl` or `Postman` to test the API endpoint directly.

Verify Rate Limiting Rules

Check your rate limiting rules to ensure they are correctly configured and not blocking the request.

  1. Verify that the rate limiting rules are correctly configured in the Zuul configuration file.
  2. Check that the rate limiting rules are not blocking the request.
  3. Use the Zuul debug logs to verify that the rate limiting rules are being applied correctly.

Check Infrastructure Issues

Check your infrastructure to ensure it is correctly configured and not blocking the request.

  1. Verify that the backend service is running and responding correctly.
  2. Check that the network connectivity is stable and not blocking the request.
  3. Use tools like `ping` or `traceroute` to test the network connectivity.


In conclusion, the 404 NOT FOUND error in Zuul can be caused by a variety of factors, including incorrect routing configuration, misconfigured API endpoints, missing or misconfigured rate limiting rules, and infrastructure issues. By following the step-by-step solutions outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the issue and get your Zuul setup up and running smoothly.

Common Causes of 404 NOT FOUND in Zuul Solutions
Incorrect Routing Configuration Verify Routing Configuration
Misconfigured API Endpoints Verify API Endpoints
Missing or Misconfigured Rate Limiting Rules Verify Rate Limiting Rules
Infrastructure Issues Check Infrastructure Issues

Remember, troubleshooting is an essential part of development, and by following a structured approach, you can quickly identify and resolve issues, ensuring your Zuul setup is running smoothly and efficiently.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck in the Zuul vortex, getting hit with a 404 NOT FOUND error? Fear not, friend! We’ve got the answers to get you back on track.

Why is Zuul giving me a 404 NOT FOUND error when I try to access a deployed service?

Check that the service is indeed deployed and registered with Eureka. Ensure that the service name in your Zuul route is correct and matches the service name registered with Eureka. If you’re still stuck, try debugging the Zuul logs to see if they provide any clues about what’s going on!

What if I’ve double-checked the service registration, and Zuul still throws a 404?

Make sure that the Zuul instance can reach the Eureka server and that the service instance is up and running. Also, verify that the Zuul route is correctly configured and that the service is not experiencing any issues. If you’re still stumped, try restarting the Zuul instance or checking the Eureka dashboard for any errors.

Could the problem be related to my Zuul configuration?

You bet! A misconfigured Zuul route or incorrect server list can definitely cause 404 errors. Double-check your Zuul configuration file (e.g., application.yml or application.properties) to ensure that the routes, server lists, and service names are correct. Also, verify that the Zuul instance is pointing to the correct Eureka server.

What if I’ve checked everything, and the issue persists?

Take a deep breath and try to isolate the issue. Enable debug logging on Zuul and Eureka to gather more information about the error. You can also try using tools like Postman or cURL to test the service URL directly, bypassing Zuul. If all else fails, seek help from your DevOps team or a trusted colleague – sometimes a fresh set of eyes can make all the difference!

Are there any additional Zuul settings I should be aware of to avoid 404 errors?

Yes! Make sure to set the `zuulStripPrefix` property to `false` if your service URLs have a prefix (e.g., `/api` or `/v1`). Also, consider setting `zuulRetryable` to `true` to enable retry logic for failed requests. These settings can help prevent 404 errors and improve overall Zuul performance.

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